Dream. Create. Grow.

Outdoor Inspiration and Gardening How-Tos!


Plants That Deter Rodents and Grow in Clay Soils!

Hello Gardeners.  The Question of the Week! I had a question from Alyssa regarding what to plant to deter rodents from her garden and do well in clay soil.  Plants with strong or particularly nasty smells tend to be good […]

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10 of the Best Perennials for Mostly Sun, Long Blooming, and Low Maintenance

The Basics! Like many, I want colour in my gardens throughout the season without much fuss. I don’t have time to tend to perennials every day, so I need plants that will thrive and be workhorses. They must be tough, […]

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Why do plants wilt on hot days? What perennials work well in hot, dry conditions?

Water, Water, Water! There are a few reasons why plants wilt however, the most common reason plants wilt is from a lack of water. Turgor Pressure is Important Simply, plants wilt when there isn’t enough water in their leaves and […]

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