Dream. Create. Grow.

Outdoor Inspiration and Gardening How-Tos!

Lexi Dearborn


Welcome to the Gabby Gardener. I’m Lexi Dearborn.
I’m excited to share with you posts on gardening, horticulture, planning, design, lighting and so much more.
Have a read and drop me a line if there’s something special you’d like more information on.

Professional Landscape Designer | Certified Horticulturalist

Ornamental grasses for your gardens. Love them or don’t!

Home gardening has changed in recent years with the increased use of ornamental grasses in design. Grasses provoke fascinating responses from my clients. They either love ornamental grasses or they don’t.   Why plant ornamental grasses? It’s difficult to overlook the […]

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Great perennials for shade, that are not hostas

Many people consider hostas as the go-to option for planting in the shade. However, hostas are not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’. Several fantastic perennial plants thrive in the shade and can be mixed and matched with your hostas for a […]

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Unravel the mystery of reading plant tags

Although reading plant tags may seem overwhelming, the information they provide is crucial for successfully selecting plants for your home gardens and containers. Let’s see if we can ‘unravel the mystery’ of plant tag lingo. Not all plant tags are […]

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