Life Lessons from the Garden

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Gardens teach us valuable lessons about our lives and transform who we are. After spending 50 years in gardens, I believe I’ve gained some insightful wisdom about gardening and life.

Life Lessons from the Garden

From an early age, I understood that gardening is like a muscle, and like any muscle, the more I used it, the stronger it got.

I’ve made mistakes

Yes, I’ve made my share of mistakes. Plants have died, been moved, and some given away to more loving homes, while others were planted and completely forgotten about, left to fend for themselves.

I’ve planted colour combinations that didn’t work. Pulled weeds that turned out to be plants. Placed plants in the wrong growing conditions. I’ve tried to grow plants from outside our zone, just to ‘see’ how they would do, knowing they wouldn’t thrive.

I’ve placed plants too close together or too close to the house, so they grow one on the other. I’ve planted plants too early in the season and watched them struggle in the cold. I’ve cut back the gardens too early in the spring, and sometimes, I’ve left them too late in the fall to do anything with.

No matter how many successes or failures I’ve had in gardens, I’ve strengthened my gardening muscles. It’s just one of those skills, “The more you use it, the stronger it gets.”

Lessons learned

So, the lesson! Making mistakes in the garden and life is okay. It happens. It’s all about getting up and trying again. Keep going!

Lexi Dearborn

The Gabby Gardener

Keep on Gardening!

My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant’s point of view.

– H. Fred Dale

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